Greetings to Passover / Pessach

To all our dear Jewish Friendsin Israel, Germany and all over the world!

Dear friends,

in my opinion, the memory of the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt and the associated liberation from slavery has a strong significance this year.

Waiting for peace has been a particular test of patience for all of us for decades.

Even if we still see no light on the dark horizon of the present, we will not give up hope for the light of a peaceful time for Israel and the whole world.

This hope and faith strengthens our cohesion across generations. 

Governments come and go, but people stay.

This is the basis of our confidence and motivation to believe in the promise of a new era and to work for peace in the world for as long as we live. 

We stand together. Forever!

Stay protected and safe!

God bless you!

Warm greetings and best wishes to Passover!

“Chag Pessach Sameach”! On behalf of the boards and all the members of the German-Israeli Town Twinning Association „Freundeskreis Beer Sheva e. V.“ and the Choir „Kantorei Barmen-Gemarke“ in Wuppertal;


Arno Gerlach 
